Brittani Scott
Fight For Us (EP)
(Release date: April 6, 2018)

By Bob Marovich

Fight For Us is a fistful of power praise from Seattle-based singer-songwriter and worship leader Brittani Scott.

Recording previously with the Finley United Pentecostal Church, Scott debuts as a solo recording artist with this four-track EP.  The songs are balls of energy that feature driving drums, enthusiastic singing by Scott and the background vocalists, and megachurch-sized musical largesse.

On “Come Move,” Scott shares the mic with Cortt Chavis, pastor of Truth Chapel in Loganville, Georgia, who adds beefy vocals to this invitation for the spirit to enter the room. Employing the battle trope that permeates today’s contemporary Christian music, the title track declares that with Jesus, one has ultimate power against fear. “We Have Overcome” is equal parts praise and defiant fist-shaking warning to anything standing in one’s way to victory.

“Break In,” the EP’s most compelling track, starts out with slow and atmospheric piano and moves increasingly toward a fortissimo cry of gratitude to Jesus for seeping into her soul, seeing everything—good and bad—and not stopping or flinching. “You won’t give up until you have all of me,” she proclaims, pleased.

Fight For Us is a big sound in a little package.

Three of Five Stars

Pick: “Break In”

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.