Dr. Alyn E. Waller Presents Fresh Anointing
Enon Music Group (release date: May 11, 2018)
By Bob Marovich
What is most interesting about Totally, an album by Enon Tabernacle’s young adult choir Fresh Anointing, is how many older hymns the group includes in the mix.
For example, the choir gives “Blessed Assurance” a staccato reading with surges of high-voltage harmonies (though the composer credits should more properly read as by Fanny Crosby and Phoebe Knapp, with the arrangement by Sean Tillery). Fresh Anointing’s 2017 single “Holy Holy” is the liturgical classic given a big and austere treatment fitting for a senior choir. The popular congregational hymn “Oh How I Love Jesus” also receives a modern makeover.
But it’s the title track, written by BJ Shores with a lead by Brian Irving, that is the album’s high point. It’s a muscular anthem that walks the line between P&W and gospel choir piece successfully. I can see other choirs learning this song to sing in their own churches.
Enon Tabernacle’s Senior Pastor Dr Alyn E. Waller offers a gentle rendition of his own composition, “That’s Just How He Is.” It’s reminiscent of a Walter Hawkins song in its melody and a Kenneth Morris song in its lyrical use of the problem-resolution technique, though the brief instrumental interlude that serves as a prelude is unnecessary.
Totally has its share of featured singers, including Pastor John P. Kee, Dr. Elizabeth Holder, and Fresh Anointing minister of music Garland Miche’ Waller on “Oh How I Love Jesus,” and Pastor William Carter III on “He’ll Do Just What He Said.”
The album would have been strengthened by one or two more full selections, especially one good church rouser. Nevertheless, Totally features a choir whose commanding power belies their young age.
Four of Five Stars
Picks: “Blessed Assurance,” “Totally.”
Written by : Bob Marovich
Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.