“Ain’t Gonna Whistle Dixie Anymore”
Paul Metsa and Willie Walker feat. Sounds of Blackness
Rock the Cause Records
(release date: August 8, 2018)

By Bob Marovich

This multi-cultural mashup of genres—think Nitty Gritty Dirt Band meets gospel choir—is the ideal backdrop for a song denouncing white nationalism and its brazen disregard of historic fact and common sense.

Reflecting on the memory of recent marches, hate crimes, Nazism, and symbols of the Confederacy, Twin Cities folk singer Paul Metsa, blues singer Willie Walker, and the award-winning Sounds of Blackness declare they “ain’t gonna whistle Dixie anymore.”

In a play on the original lyrics to “Dixie,” they sing: “Bury that song in the land of cotton, deep in the Delta mud to be long forgotten.” This song kills fascists. A hip hop version featuring rapper and activist Tef Poe is scheduled for release September 14.

Net proceeds from sales of the single, released to coincide with the anniversaries of Ferguson and Charlottesville, will benefit the Southern Poverty Law Center and the High School for Recording Arts in Minneapolis.

One Comment

  1. Binu August 24, 2018 at 1:57 pm - Reply

    If you go by any high school when school gets out, young kids speed out.. if you go by churches on Sunday when services get out. Watch out. Dixie dr is definitely a speed zone.. Dixie dr is worse.. skyline dr is a danger zone, people pas right and left. And usual young being late fir work. Be careful out there.we say drivers move here from different states and countries,, and drive differently.but tourists renting cars and res from out of countr6 are dangerous too. When 8nrealize Germany is the size of Utah and has 80 million people , and so few accidents.. why? Because their driver ed course is longer and more strict..I,ve been there and in 17 yrs seen only 3 accidents on autobahn..

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.