JGM learned the shocking news that Marlowe Cribbs passed away.
Here is Marlowe’s bio, courtesy of his website:
“Raised in the home of a former Blues musician and influenced by Gospel music at an early age, M. E. Cribbs had no choice but to develop an eclectic musical ear. This would serve him greatly as he excelled in his musical ventures. He is considered a lyricist of the highest order and with artists, such as The Chicago Mass Choir, Dorinda Clark-Cole, New Direction, Reed’s Temple Choir, and Mark Hubbard & The United Voices in his clientry, this has been proven time and time again throughout his Musical History. is catalogue includes: “Nobody Like Jesus” (Dorinda Clark-Cole), “Nobody Like Jesus” & “I Pray We’ll All Be Ready” (Chicago Mass Choir) and “Young & Strong” (Youth In Unity).
“In addition to writing songs, Cribbs is a precise and versatile vocalist. His silky-smooth vocal styling has served as an example for such prolific artists as Jonathan McReynolds, Anita Wilson, and Kevin Gray. Over the years, he’s delivered stirring performances and continues to be a template for young singers everywhere. Also a clergyman, Cribbs insists that effective music is the segue for the Word of God to flow with power and authority.
“A writer, a radio personality, an orator, a journalist, a singer, a mentor, and a car enthusiast, he continues to move in excellence as a cosmopolitan man. He is able to connect with a variety of people – both on and off stage. Simplifying the intricacies of everyday life into terms that are relative to generations past and present is a unique ability that he possesses. He has garnered the respect of seasoned and aspiring artists with a plethora of well-penned songs in his Musical Catalog.”
Information on homegoing services will be posted when they are made public. Meanwhile, let us keep the family, friends, and many fans of Marlowe Cribbs ever present in our prayers.
Written by : Bob Marovich
Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.