“Don’t Wonder About It”
The Calvin Delites
From the EP The Legacy Continues (release date: February 4, 2023)

By Robert M. Marovich

The Calvin Delites don’t play.

From the opening strains of “Don’t Wonder About It,” the female quartet from Memphis, Tennessee, makes it plain that their feet are planted firmly in the traditional church.

Their newest drive tempo number is based on the gospel song “Don’t Wonder About Him,” a classic sung by the likes of the Five Blind Boys of Alabama, the Roberta Martin Singers, the Camp Meeting Choir, and Reverend James Cleveland, among others. It expresses the conviction that God is here to save you, He won’t forsake you, and that’s all there is to it. So move on up higher.

The Calvin Delites quartet was founded around 1981 by the late Mattie B. Graham of Memphis, a veteran gospel singer who named the group in loving memory of her son, Calvin Graham, who preceded her in death.

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.