“Kingdom Sound”
Monique Atkins
Independent (release date: July 1, 2023)

By Robert M. Marovich

As a song, “Kingdom Sound” is lovely though not especially remarkable, but what really sells the track is the mesmerizing soprano of Monique Atkins.

She has a bird-like lightness in her upper register that one does not often hear in gospel music…anymore. In the genre’s early days, singers like DeLois Barrett Campbell and Lorenza Brown Porter flavored gospel songs with thrilling coloratura runs and riffs. That’s why New Jersey native Atkins’ previous single, “We Need More of You,” is what we hope – to hear more from her in the future.

Last year, Monique Atkins joined Anthony Morgan and the Inspirational Choir of Harlem for a three-week tour of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. “Kingdom Sound” is a Dulaneyland Production.


  1. Anthony Morgan November 16, 2023 at 9:06 am - Reply

    It’s a pleasure to have her be apart of my team. A wonderful singer and a blessing to have around. So down to earth.

    • Monique Atkins November 16, 2023 at 10:25 pm - Reply

      Thank you Anthony! It is a privilege to be apart of such an amazing group of singers! I’m grateful 💕

  2. Lana Reese November 16, 2023 at 10:26 am - Reply

    I am so proud of My Dulaneyland Music Family! She has such an angelic around as she serenades Jesus Christ our Lord! May the people in the Earth join in and listed to the Kingdom Sound!

    • Monique atkubs November 16, 2023 at 10:24 pm - Reply

      Thank you Lana for your continued support! My Dulaneyland sister💕

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.