“There Wouldn’t Be a Me”
Shonda English
Gospel Diva Music (release date: January 23, 2024)
By Robert M. Marovich
Singer, songwriter, and radio host Shonda English drops a bright and bouncy ballad of thanksgiving called “There Wouldn’t Be a Me.”
To a finger-popping rhythm, English sings with a satisfied swagger as she outlines the many ways God made her “brand new,” as well as the many dangers he didn’t allow to happen (“I could have been strung out in the drug house”). In the end, if it weren’t for the Most High, she’d “cease to be.”
The song moves along at a moderately brisk tempo, but it would be equally effective, and perhaps even more emotional, at a slower pace.
Written by : Bob Marovich
Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.