Bro. Steve TV Series presents
Understanding Church Growth

Hollywood-based multi-media entrepreneur Steve Harris – known to the church community as “Bro. Steve” – has over the past several years created a number of informational videos on a variety of topics relevant to the church and gospel music communities. One of his latest projects, Understanding Church Growth, took more than three years and 122 people to produce. But the result was worth the wait, as it is an easy-to-follow compendium of the dos and don’ts of building and sustaining a church of any size.

Bro. Steve introduces each chapter, then gives the forum to successful church leaders such as Bishop Charles Blake, Pastor of West Angeles COGIC and now Presiding Bishop of his denomination; Dr. Robert Schuller, Founder and Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral; Bishop Noel Jones of the City of Refuge Church; Rev. Dr. Clay Evans, Founder and Pastor of Fellowship M.B. Church; and Dr. Jack Hayford, Pastor of the Church on the Way and Presiding Elder of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Bro. Steve’s father, Pastor Wardell Harris, also provides tips from his own experience leading a COGIC church.

Combining documentary and talk show techniques, and incorporating archival photos and video whenever appropriate, Understanding Church Growth is an informal, intimate conversation with these pastors, starting with how they built their churches from humble beginnings to enormous, effective institutions of worship and ministry. Their testimonials run from common sense suggestions to details on how to choose a church architect, launch a capital fundraising project, and sustain the organization with sound financial decisions. In so doing, these pioneer evangelists provide consulting worth far more than the cost of the DVD set.

Beyond the informational value, the DVD set is a rare opportunity to simply listen to these larger-than-life church CEOs relate their very human journeys to build their churches. Their stories are full of pitfalls, courageous determination, hard lessons and triumphs, and in the end makes one feel as if starting a new church or becoming a pastor for the first time is doable. Their collective wisdom is helpful to anyone who wants to build a nonprofit organization with membership and a ministry or mission, or is in the midst of taking the nonprofit to a new level of service.

The only caveat is that at nearly four hours in length, Understanding Church Growth is best viewed like a mini-series, over a period of several days, so that the information is not overwhelming but inspiring and stimulating.

Four of Five Stars

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.