Jesse Cann – A New Song

2019-11-04T02:38:42-06:00November 4th, 2019|

Jesse CannA New SongJordan Line Music (2019) By Bob Marovich At the Rhythm of Gospel Awards this summer, a distinguished-looking bearded gentleman named Jesse Cann sat down at a keyboard. In the midst of a musical program featuring thunderous choirs, ecstatic groups, and spirited singers, he offered up an unassuming [...]

Travis Greene – Broken Record

2019-11-02T03:39:57-05:00November 1st, 2019|

Travis Greene Broken Record RCA Inspiration (release date: November 1, 2019) By Bob Marovich Broken Record is Travis Greene’s fourth full-length album and continues the youthful sacred fusion of his previous work. Against convention, the album opens with a slow, introspective song called “The Breaker.” It is only after [...]

Joseph Price & the Prince of Peace Choir – Do You Know

2019-10-28T01:19:28-05:00October 28th, 2019|

Pastor Willie E. Kirkpatrick Presents Joseph Price & the Prince of Peace Choir Do You Know Prince of Peace (release date: August 2, 2019) By Bob Marovich Though Prince of Peace Baptist Church in Berkeley, Missouri, has served the St. Louis area for nearly a century, its choir just [...]

Kirk Whalum – Humanite’

2019-10-18T18:36:53-05:00October 18th, 2019|

Kirk Whalum Humanite’ Mack Avenue Music Group (release date: October 11, 2019) By Bob Marovich If music is a universal language, the jazz idiom seems particularly equipped to express the essence of every culture. In doing so, it has the power to unify the world. I suspect saxophonist Kirk [...]

Put the Whole Armour On: Female Black Gospel – The 1940s and 1950s

2019-10-16T01:23:21-05:00October 16th, 2019|

Various Artists Put the Whole Armour On: Female Black Gospel – The 1940s-1950s NarroWay (release date: October 18, 2019) By Bob Marovich (as originally featured in Living Blues) “If it wasn’t for the women, you wouldn’t have church.” This quote, which accompanies a vintage photograph of three African American [...]

Beverly Heath – Jesus Boulevard

2019-10-14T00:38:14-05:00October 14th, 2019|

Beverly Heath Jesus Boulevard BaCE Music (release date: July 8, 2018) By Bob Marovich The title track of singer-songwriter Beverly Heath’s CD, Jesus Boulevard, sounds like a road the Dixie Hummingbirds could take their “Christian’s Automobile” for a spin. There are blessings awaiting the believer on “Jesus Boulevard,” the [...]

Harlem Gospel Travelers – He’s On Time

2019-10-11T01:39:40-05:00October 11th, 2019|

Harlem Gospel Travelers He’s On Time Colemine Records (release date: October 11, 2019) By Bob Marovich If He’s On Time included audible pops and scratches, one would think the Harlem Gospel Travelers' debut album was a reissue of a forty-five-year-old vinyl LP discovered while crate digging. Even its Harvey [...]

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