This comes to TBGB from D.C. Sparrow:
R.I.P. – Co-Pastor Betty Wright and
Gentle Giant D.J. (Daniel) Wright Jr.
July 30, 2008
The Wright Family has confirmed and granted approval to have this released.
Hello, my name is Laurie Schneider, and I would like to inform everyone of the unfortunate condition of Rev. Timothy Wright.
Rev. Timothy Wright has a c4 Spinal Cord Injury. For anyone who does not understand this condition, I will explain it as best I can and then send you to a web site to read further.
Right now Rev. Timothy Wright is able to breathe with the assistance of a respirator. Although on good days he is able to speak and breathe on his own for short periods of time, he is also able to move his neck and shrug his shoulders. He does have feeling in his hands as well, according to his son Derrick Wright, as he has woken him up a few times by holding his hand.
I truly believe with the proper rehabilitation, Rev Timothy Wright will be able to Preach, Breathe on his own, sing, and continue to change the world as he did until July 4th, 2008.
Unfortunately he does not have the proper health benefits for the best health care. The (3) best Rehabilitation Centers in the World, and (2) best in the Country happen to be in New Jersey called the Kessler Institute in West Orange New Jersey. Christopher Reeve was a patient when he entered.
WE NEED REV. TIMOTHY WRIGHT TO BREATHE ON HIS OWN. WE NEED HIM TO HAVE THE BEST HEALTH CARE. All he is eligible for is a VA Hospital. After I spoke with all 3 VA Hospitals in NY, I was convinced he would not receive the same care. Both Directors, and nurses responded to me by saying many people die here and never walk or use their arms again. When I spoke to Kessler, and did a site inspection, I saw Billions of dollars of equipment and machinery. I met and spoke with the best Doctors in the Country. They gave me hope. I believe his only chance to ever stand, sing, and speak in his Church again, is if we send him to Kessler.
The cost of Kessler is exactly $4,033.00 per day. The cost of the ambulance and Respiratory therapist to drive with him there is $3,725.00. They are predicting the Rev. will be able to breathe on his own, and operate an electric wheel chair which will cost $20,000.00 at the end of his treatment at Kessler. I am told the best scenario will be (4) months. At the rate of $4,033.00 per day, we will need to raise, $120,990.00 per month/(30 days).
We are praying to raise $70,000.00 during the concert at the end of August. I have a credit card with a high limit that I am going to use so that he can be admitted tomorrow. My credit card will get him through the first week, and the ambulance which I am giving $31,956.00. I have paid for the hotel rooms for his sons to stay with him, and food for his grandchildren. I took care of the limos and food during and after the funeral. I am willing to put all of his sons to work, so they can continue to pay there bills. I am willing to buy back his escalade I sold to them and send that money to Kessler as well. I can only afford to keep him at Kessler for ONE WEEK. I am only one person. I am going to host a fundraiser within the next 4-6 weeks, and pray to raise another $100,000.00. I need help from everyone who can and is willing.
I cant stress to you how important it is to his sons that he has the best medical care possible. I just met Derrick three years ago, and soon after all of his brothers. I was blessed in the past two months to meet, speak with, spend time with both Pastors Timothy & Betty Wright. In the short time I knew them, they very inspirational to me.
I am giving 25% of my life savings so that Rev. Timothy Wright can be both transferred and admitted to the best medical facility Tomorrow.
He will be arriving by 12 noon tomorrow. I have (7) days to raise the balance of the thirty days or he will be transferred to a VA Hospital.
I am asking from the bottom of my heart, along with Danny, Donny, David, Derrick and null, their wives and children to please help us keep Rev Timothy Wright at The Kessler Institute, and most important to continue to keep him in your prayers every day.
My name is Laurie Schneider
My business address is 3399 Lawson Blvd Oceanside, NY 11572
My office # is 516-594-4015
I can send you direct wire information of the Hospital Account, or whom to make the checks payable and mailed to. We appreciate anything you can do.
We have started a charity called Brothers Against Driving Drunk. After we finish this mission of helping Rev. Timothy Wright, we will continue to help other families in need and tragedy as well.
Please call me with any questions or concerns you may have.
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Written by : Bob Marovich
Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.
I ha dnever heard of Reverend Wright until he came to my town a few months back. I was disappointed as he did not preach teh gospel of Jesus. Instead he bragged about his money and posessions. He threatend those in teh congregation who did not give in teh offering ad sid if we tried to spend the money at 7/11 or somewhere somethign bad would happen to us. I decided to leave the service because I am tired of preachers scaring people into giving. This is not of God. How sad that my one and only time of seeing pastor Wright was unde rsuch circumstances. As I left the church with the coupel I rode with Reverend Wright yelled very loudly to teh ushers. Let em out if they want to leave. Revered Wright sad somethign bad wuld happedn to others and something bad happend to hsi family. I share thsi because peole need to know that God is allowignthigns to happen to teh preachers hwo fleece his flock. I realize someone wudl say this is not theappropriate time to discuss this matter but if not now then when. I was in a church where the pastro at age 40 dropped dead near the a;tar. Someon needs to see that God is moving and pray Pastors get right before the wrath fo God comes. I a truly sorry for what happend to Pastor Wright and his family. And I am praying for hsi recovery. But my story needs to be told for thoe who are wondering how this tragedy happened. God allowed it. And unfortunately unless someone pays attention mor epreachers will fall.
I applaud your efforts but unless it is God’s will for Pastor Wright to recover your efforts wil be in vain. God bless you. Even if yo udo not approve this for publicatin. You have rad it and are accountable for what you know know.
I do believe that what you have written is important but not necessarily appropriate.
I am only responding to ONE thing that you wrote. “If it is God’s will” and YES IT IS GODS WILL THAT ALL BE HEALED. Though this tragedy occurred, it was not God’s punishment if so then all of us should be cautious NOW because there is something that we have said or done at some point that could/would cause a response.
God’s will is that all be saved, healed and live victoriously.
Pray for Rev. Wright and his family, and quiet yourself.
I do believe that what you have written is important but not necessarily appropriate.
I am only responding to ONE thing that you wrote. “If it is God’s will” and YES IT IS GODS WILL THAT ALL BE HEALED. Though this tragedy occurred, it was not God’s punishment if so then all of us should be cautious NOW because there is something that we have said or done at some point that could/would cause a response.
God’s will is that all be saved, healed and live victoriously.
Pray for Rev. Wright and his family, and quiet yourself.
Your comment about Rev. Timothy Wright is important but not necessarily right for this time. But I pray that God will heal you and him and his family. Love, Minister Daniel Posey
I do believe that we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I also believe that there is a certain time and way to express them. And in this case, it is my firm belief that it is NOT the time, nor the APPROPRIATE FORM OF EXPRESSION! Yes, only the Lord has the ability to search our hearts and only He can be the judge. I believe that God is in the business of correcting…not harshly punishing as you’ve seemed to imply. Your position as a human being with limited knowledge of what you “think” God is doing and why you “think” He does what He does is full of OPINION and PERSONAL belief. And if that’s how you feel, then so be it. But, be careful as to how you express your opinions and beliefs about God’s people and circumstances behind their life events…lest you soon find yourself walking in Rev Wright’s same shoes! Tragedy has no favorites…you could be next! And for others who may read this…understand that Job also found himself in Rev Wright’s position. But was it punishment, NO…it was PREPARATION…POSITIVE Preparation. He was counted worthy to be tested! But according to Job’s friends, Job must’ve been a sinner to have all of those tragic events happen to Him. So, in reference to Rev. Wright…who are you??….the “accusing, know-it-all friends”, or the saints who are going to support and pray him through???? The choice is yours….
Mind what you say lest it be said about you….
God Bless
Let me say that I am not judging Reverend Wright. I am saying that Pastors have a higher responsibility adn accountability than the rest of us because they are shepherds over the sheep. God has blesed me with a trong gift of discernnet of truth which others often misunderstand as judgement. Let me give an example. MY forme rpastro was good looking anointed spirit filled and very anointed. Big name preachers some of whom have been on TBN came to teh church prophesying that God was goign to do great things in the church through the man. The typical response is to believe what is said. I had a strange feeling inside that somethign was not right. One day I asked God to help me because it was not my desire to put my tongue on the anointing or come against leadership. With my eyes closed I asked Him to open my bible to a scripture that would help me. I opned the bible and looked down adn I am reading Ezekile 34 which says I will strike the Shepherd. I could not discuss this with my pastor because all letters wre read first by Elders who often met with you and your letter did nto get to teh Pastor. If you asked for a meeting, your request was ignored. I aksed the Lord to make His will Crystal Clear as I did not want to misinterpret. FOr the next 5 months God showed me things that no one would believe. I was told I was negative and listening to the wrong voice. I already said my pastro died. He preached the prosperity Gospel. WE gave Tithes and offerings, first fruits an seeds were sown at the altar. Other preachers came in and asked people to give 1,000 to the Pastro not the work of the Lord. I saw this pastor prosper while th erest of us stayed at the same leve. even now there is not one person in teh churhc who prospered as teh man of God. And by simple math, if you deduct all the money asked for by other preachers, my former pastor would not have lived the same life. I admit I am bitter adn receive your prayers. Because when I heard Reverend Wright tellign the amount of money to give and threatening us it brought back all those memories. Again I say that this is of God. Yet ther ear times whne God allows, and even when He removes. Please read Ezekiel 34. Shephereds should not fleece the flock. A lot of CHristians are hurt because of the prosperity message. And whiel you may not agree with me and I respect that, I believe God’s judgement is coming on the preachers. If I am right yo uwill see mro eof this. Again I say yes things do happend randomly and God allows but I believe God wanted me in that church to hear reverend Wright so I could put th pieces of the puzzle together. ANd I thank all of you for your honest comments. God Bless you all. If I am wrong may God and all of you forgive me.
First, I want to say that my heart and prayers go out to Rev. Timothy Wright and his family (both spirtual & natural).
Secondly, I want to address the negative comments made by this obviously OVER ZEALOUS SAINT(?).
I do not question whether or not you have the gift of discernment, BUT I am skeptical about how you are using it. The revelation that I get from I Corinthians 12-14 concerning Spiritual Gifts, is that we are given a Spiritual Gift that tends to be more dominate in our ministry over the others; however, “these gifts are of one body.” When this dominate gift is invoked, it should be done in cooperation with our other gifts . If you tap into “word of wisdom”, and “word of knowledge,” you SHOULD be able to discern that foul spirit within yourself that caused you the equate this tragic incident as GOD’s punishment towards Rev. Wright because of the tactics he used to collect an offering.
I believe that your ideology shows that you have a deficiency of the “Fruits of The Spirit” (Galatians 5:22 & 23), and it discounts the purpose of Jesus Christ dying for the remission of our sins. If you “love” GOD, don’t misuse your gift to discredit the Man of GOD.
Futhermore, before he is any title the man may have given him, Timothy Wright is a man, just like us. We all make mistakes. Your disposition with the way he does certain things does not mean that his ministry as a Musician, Songwriter, & Pastor is not effective.
I pray that moving forward you use your gift to bring lost souls into the Body of Christ and to edify the saints.
It’s all Love ma bro/sis in Christ
Min. Spiritual Intellect aka “MSI”
To the individual who thinks little of Rev. Timothy Wright, be careful what comes out of your mouth. First and foremost, get knowledge of how to spell and present your info. Secondly, get understanding of what the scriptures mean. God does not do anything bad to us. He may step back and allow the devil to come into our lives to test us. But one thing for sure, the devil meant this for bad but I truly believe that God meant it for Pastor Wright’s good to show people like you that He is still in the healing & blessing business. Be Blessed and please get and understanding.
In the scriptures God told Ezekiel that his wife was going to die. The Prophet Eli was told by Samuel that his sons were misusing their positions and would die. David and Bathsheba’s baby died because of theiri sin. In Ezekiel 34 God says I will strike the Shepherd. My point is that the majority of prophesies in the Old testament were of God warnbing of His judgement when the people did not get right. Please understand I know we are in a time of grace and I have prayed and thought carefully before I shared any of this. I tried to go to my pastor a Bishop because other women in the church were called prophetess when they stood up in the congregation and gace a word to the people. Gdod did not use me this way. I just seemd to know in advance of future events. I prayed fasted and stayed in the word asking God to make sure I am hearing Him and not other spirits. I realize everyone has their own opinion based on the type of Church you are in. In my church we were told God does not show negative. SHortly after I found Lamentations 3:37-38 wheich says Who can speak a thing and have it come to pass unless God has ordained it and both light and dark good and evil come from the mouth of God. I have been called a witch and a prophetess of doom and gloom. I pray to the Father in the name of Jesus by the power of The Holy Spirit.Yes I am careful whatcomes out of my mouth because I have seen some things. Mu former pastor told us one day that people who wre not liscenced to preach shuld never speak in a churh pulpit. He said it could bring a curse of sickness or death. I had a very uneasy feelign as I remembered that his mother who was not a preacher had been a speaker in our church. Later he told the congregation that he was not too hard on his church leaders because we had not been through anything that he had not already experienced. Again I get that knowing feeling and tell my husband that we must increase prayer for the first family as I had a feeling the pastors words were about to boomerang on him. I tll my husband that the pastor had not experienced everything we had. I mention several trials we all had dealt with. The last was that my mother and a Deacons mom had just passed and the pastors mom was alive and well. A few month later his mother dropped dead suddenly. She had been a speaker who was not called to preach adn now the pastor had indeed gone through what others had. I leave you with this. In I Chronicles 18 and second kings 20. (it may be the other way around I do not have the bible with me) Anyway 400 prophets say Israel is going to win a battle. 1 prophet Micaih stands alone and says he sees Israel slaughtered on the hill side like sheep withotu a shepherd. He is considered negative and put in prison, but his word comes to pass. If I am indeed hearing God Almighty what I am saying will happen. It’s that simple. The proof of hearing Him is that the word comes to pass be it good or bad. True Prophecy is neither negative r positive it’s just true. God always confirms his word. When you see the fall of prosperity preachers please know that God always gives a way of escape. I found that several true prophets treid to warn my former pastor he was headed for trouble and he listened to those preaching prosperity and it cost him his life. Again I am not judging Reverend Wright, only God can judge. I share because if one person hears God through me then it’s worth it. I leave you with this. In 2000 my 3 childrne went out toeat. Abotu an hour laer I had a horrible feelign and ran down the hall screaming to my husband that they were in trouble and we needed to pray.(Yes we had prayed before they left0. 5 minutes later my oldest son who was driving calls to say they were in a wreck. A woman had a diabetic seizure and came at them head on. My son said he heard the Lord say TURN< so he turned the car onto the nearest street and avoided a head on crash. My children were in the very same predicament as Reverend Wright and his family. Praise God there was no major injuries. My 2 young children and the driver of the other car could have died as Reverend Wrights family and the driver that hit him. My son could have been in the same situaiton as Reverend Wright. I praise God He gave us a way of escape. SO know I am humble and not judging or being evil. My last comment is that pointing out that I did nto check my spelling is petty. And while you worry about something so minor you should be praying. I dare you to go to God and ask Him if there is truth in what I have shared. If you are open to Him and not the doctrine you have heard over the years, He will show you truth, be it good bad or indifferent, if you can handle the truth. Again I say discernment is God revealing what is already there. It’s not judgement. And I beleive you will see soon that I and others are indeed hearing Him. It’s not about me, I am just a vessle. What’s unfortunate is that Prophets have been prophesying prosperity for over 10 years and no one has received the big money except those preaching about it. Yet CHristians stay in those churches and are not upset that they are being lied to and taken advantage of. But when the truth comes along people get mad.
I agree God is moving and those who truly hear His voice know what time it is. People are praying adn the peachers need to stop fleecing the flock before it’s too late and ministry loses credibility. And to the comment that the person who wrote about Reverend Wright should save souls. I believe this person said she was ina church where Reverend Wright did nto evne offer salvatin or preach the gospel. This is what he is supposed to do.
Anonymous I rebuke you!You are heartless!!!Not to mention your comments are extremly cruel and inapproiate!!!We are all glad you dont work for GOD.If you really have a gift you would have known this .There is a time to speak and a time to keep silent! May GOD have mercy on you !!!!!I am sure you have done something wrong or said something wrong in your life ! Do you think you deserve to lose a child or spouse ??? I think not! GOD forbid!!! Nicole ……..a child of GOD
You should really be ashamed of yourself. Rev Timothy Wright is a man of God that is doing the will of God. YOU speak as though you are working for the devil. You need to go on your knees and don’t come up until those demons are cast out of you. I rebuke every ill word you said about the Rev. Wright in the name of Jesus!!