“Fresh Wind”
Kim Person
From the KLP Enterprises CD The Journey
(release date: January 26, 2019)

By Bob Marovich

As a child growing up in North Carolina, Kim Person was known for her big voice.

Her big voice has gotten more substantial with time and experience and can be heard in full flower on her new single, “Fresh Wind.”

“Fresh Wind” has the skeleton of a hymn and the flesh and blood of a gospel song. It features thickly (perhaps excessively) produced instrumentation, a bevy of background vocalists, and Kim Person’s ever-present exuberance, which builds in evangelistic intensity as the song moves to the vamp. It’s Person’s energy that sells the song.

Taking its theme from several biblical references to the breath of the Holy Spirit that, like a wind, brings forth blessings to those who wait, the song beseeches the Spirit to provide latter-day breakthroughs. “Lift your voice and say ‘Fresh Wind,’” Person shouts, which triggers a response from the BGVs and, implied, from listeners.

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.