The Sons New CD Cover Photo“Have You Been Shook”
The Sons of the Soul Revivers (2015)

San Francisco quartet The Sons of the Soul Revivers barrels down in fourth gear on the drive tempo “Have You Been Shook,” singing with the alacrity of their predecessors, the Soul Revivers. Eschewing electronic keys, programmed drums, etc. for raw propulsion from electric guitar, real drum skins, bass, and shouting vocals, the Sons even sound like the former group.

The main phrase is one that actually works better in the passive voice: “Have you been shook by the hand of God?”  The song must do well at live performances, especially if the Sons extend the vamp beyond the single’s 2:42 length.

The Sons of the Soul Revivers, which celebrated its 45th anniversary this July, intends to preserve traditional gospel singing. If they continue putting out “shouting song” singles such as “Have You Been Shook,” they will have done their part.

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.