new york

Dawn Turner – God’s Thoughts

2016-10-15T18:59:27-05:00October 15th, 2016|

Dawn Turner God’s Thoughts (EP) Story Book Music, Inc. (2016) By Bob Marovich Buffalo, New York, native Dawn Turner is a fine church singer. She’s not a shouter, squaller, or melismatic artisan but, as she demonstrates on “God’s Name,” one of the five cuts on her God’s Thoughts EP, she [...]

JGM Pick of the Week: October 10, 2016

2016-10-11T03:11:29-05:00October 11th, 2016|

“Walking in Victory” Angela “Missy” Billups E’Mazin Entertainment (2016) New York-based singer Missy Billups returns to her traditional roots on her latest single, “Walking in Victory.” This uptempo call-and-response piece, which Billups introduced at gospel conventions this summer, contains a calypso-sounding chorus that offers a vivid image of Billups [...]

“Live the Life You Dance About:” Vanessa Odom on the Praise Dance Phenomenon

2016-08-07T20:33:31-05:00August 7th, 2016|

St. Luke Gospel Expressions By Bob Marovich Once upon a time, there was an artistic expression of worship, inaugurated and performed by youth, that wasn’t accepted by all members of the church. I’m not talking about gospel music, or Christian hip hop. Vanessa Odom I’m talking [...]

“Alright” – Tony Mclendon

2015-10-07T15:06:11-05:00October 7th, 2015|

“Alright” Tony Mclendon From the forthcoming The Music Church CD I’m a Winner Available on iTunes Taking his cue from a snippet of the vamp from Kool and the Gang’s “Ladies Night,” Tony Mclendon, along with a party of equally enthusiastic supporters and a relentless disco beat, offer up spiritual [...]

“The Wonder of You” – Jenise La Vonne

2015-03-07T18:22:16-06:00March 6th, 2015|

“The Wonder of You” Jenise La Vonne Although the wispy classical-and-acoustic-guitar intro of “The Wonder of You” reveals the marvel that Jenise La Vonne feels in the presence of the Lord, her penetrating vocals offer a more dramatic scenario: she's actually drifted away and is looking to reclaim that time “when I [...]

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