JGM Best CDs, Singles, and Historic Reissues of 2024
Journal of Gospel Music presents its Best of List for 2024
Journal of Gospel Music presents its Best of List for 2024
This episode includes music reviewed on the Journal of Gospel Music between early May and early July 2024.
This year marks the 44th anniversary of Reba Rambo's Dreamin’ and Sony Legacy has remastered it for a new generation.
Click on the image to begin streaming the program Episode 156 Playlist America bless God – Bonita Burney Simmons It’s time – Mary Glover Jesus cares – Leporia “Hollywood” Logan I’d rather have Jesus – True Believers Be with me – Pastor Darren A. Farmer Sr. Thank you [...]
Reba Rambo Lady Live Entertainment One (original release: 1982; reissue: July 30, 2021) www.rebarambo.com By Robert M. Marovich In June 1981, just months after winning her first Grammy for co-writing and performing on an all-star gospel album called The Lord’s Prayer, Christian singing star Reba Rambo appeared at the Anaheim [...]
By Bob Marovich As is our custom for this time of year, the Journal of Gospel Music presents its "best of" lists in the category of CDs, songs, and historical releases. The recordings were not chosen as "best of" based on sales, chart status, promotion, voting, fan popularity, number of [...]
Click on the image to begin streaming the episode Episode 144 Playlist Leap of faith – YimikaSoul Man from Galilee – DK Dru feat. Rance Allen, Paul Porter, and Chris Byrd and True Victory In his hands – Zion Messengers Sorry – Erica Reed We are family, we [...]
Reba Rambo Confessions Entertainment One (original release date: 1980; digital release: May 1, 2020) www.rebarambo.com By Bob Marovich Originally released forty years ago, Reba Rambo’s solo album Confessions is getting a redux courtesy of Entertainment One. It's the latest Rambo album to be re-introduced since her 1977 disc, Lady, was [...]
Click on the image to stream the program Episode 141 Playlist Mighty long way – David Wright & NY Fellowship Choir feat. Keith “Wonderboy” Johnson Jesus will fix it – James Cutts feat. Floyd Mayweather Sr. Another blessing – Williams Brothers & Lee Williams and Spiritual QCs Talkin’ [...]
Reba Rambo Lady Provident Label Group / Sony Music (re-release date: December 13, 2019) By Bob Marovich Provident Label Group / Sony Music has just made a beloved recording by Christian singer Reba Rambo available once again, digitally remastered. By 1977, when she released her fifth solo recording, Lady, on [...]