Harriet Fraser – Peace

2021-11-10T16:27:14-06:00November 10th, 2021|

Harriet Fraser Peace Independent (release date: October 8, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich On her brief but touchingly lovely debut album Peace, soprano Harriet Frasier harmonizes with herself, two-parts unaccompanied, a touch of echo evoking the sense of being recorded in a stone-walled cathedral instead of the California studios [...]

“Forevermore” – Sue Neil

2017-04-19T02:22:20-05:00April 19th, 2017|

“Forevermore” Sue Neil Sure Foundation Music (2017) By Bob Marovich A lovely acoustic piano intro makes way for a gentle prayer of praise from Pastor Sue Neil. In soft tones, she marvels at the wonders of God and all he has created. If “Forevermore” sounds sun-kissed, that’s because Neil wrote [...]

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