Fred Hammond
Love Unstoppable
Verity Gospel Music Group 2009 (release date: September 29, 2009)

Fred Hammond’s Love Unstoppable could just as easily be titled Fred Unstoppable.

The Grammy-winning “Architect of Urban Praise and Worship” and the leading light behind gospel supergroup Commissioned is in fantastic form on his thirteenth solo CD.

Love Unstoppable is one big praise party, each track bleeding into another. The first three songs are non-stop mid-tempo pulse raisers, as the background vocalists, led by Hammond’s frictionless tenor, sing with unchecked, joyous verve. “Find No Fault” even adds an island beat to the mix.

One of the most interesting tracks musically on Love Unstoppable is “Thoughts of Love,” a sacred ballad that evokes the Brazilian jazz of Sergio Mendes, circa 1965-6. Hammond includes several more love ballads to the Savior on the album, including the tuneful “Lost in You Again” and “Best Thing That Ever Happened.”

Another composition worthy of note is “Take My Hand.” This emotionally rendered traditional-flavored song about moving from heartbreak and pain to breakthrough interpolates the celebrated opening stanza of Dorsey’s “Take My Hand, Precious Lord.” The immediate follow-up, “I Know What He’s Done,” is another song oozing with gutsy gospel blues.

“They That Wait,” with vocal assistance by John P. Kee, is the current hit (reviewed by TBGB) and a contender for one of the best gospel singles of the year. It’s hard not to smile, move, clap hands or just plain feel good upon hearing this lyric-packed rouser. Plus, Hammond and Kee’s husky voices in meaty harmony channel the O’Neal Twins.

The concluding track, “Happy,” is quintessential Fred Hammond. It bounces along with the polyrhythmic enthusiasm of 1980s Commissioned. Once spinning in your player, Love Unstoppable is one CD you will not want to stop.

Five of Five Stars


  1. Anonymous September 7, 2009 at 11:45 am - Reply

    Mr Hammond,
    I send this meesage to you with strong conviction and great appreciation for the gift that the Lord has graced you with. Truly there are many gifted artist out there. However, there are many that do not understand how to convey “GOSPEL” music. I have purchased all your cd’s with Freedom to worship being my last. I found that you were the only artist to convey the living God and HIS Word in song that propels myself and many others into the prsecne of the Father. I do not desire to propagate your gift but I pray that you will continue in that vain where the Spirit of the LORD started with you. I know that the LORD increases knowledge with the gift but please do not conform to what is known as common gospel music, words in song that does not propel us into the spirit realm but the relam of emotions. Please understand, repectfully,I speak no harm to those in the body of Christ who are like-wise gifted as yourself. But, I humbly implore to your spirit by way of the HOLY SPIRIT who speaks to my heart, that you remember your gift is set apart from many others. I pray that this mesage is received in the spirit of love.
    May the LORD continue to bless, prosper the gift and edify you always.

    Sincerely In Christ,
    Michelle Robinson, SC.

  2. Jeff Lane October 1, 2009 at 1:15 pm - Reply


    As always you have set the bar high. I have followed you from the beginnings of Commissioned and throughout your solo career. One thing I can say is that your music and lyrics have been profound. We live in a day and time where many artists put out a cd and you may have one possibly two songs that are good. I had gotten to the point where I would download single songs rather than waste my money purchasing a CD. This was never the case with you. Your music never disappoints. Your albums are complete with songs to get you up and moving, songs to reflect on our inner most failings and Gods mercy, and songs to usher us into the presence of the Lord. Keep doing what you are doing.

    PS. As always, Your band is off the Chain!!

    Jeff Lane
    Piscataway, NJ

  3. Anonymous October 28, 2009 at 12:47 am - Reply

    Mr. Hammond,
    I consider myself your biggest fan. I love the latest CD and will continue to support you by PURCHASING the CD not burning or downloading it. I love the way you bring the word alive in your music. It is truly worship. Whenever I have had a bad day I can play any one of your CDs and the spirit of God is bound to move and before you know it I am praising and worshiping God. I know that alot goes into making a CD and it takes time between one release and the next but I always look for something new from you and always hope that it comes right away. I pray that the Lord will continue to use you. Also, your kids sound just as great on your CD. Love you in Christ!

  4. Willie J. Jones III March 25, 2010 at 9:40 pm - Reply

    Mr. Hammond,
    I want to commend you on your latest project that is powerful beyond measure. This lastest CD Love Unstoppable helps the average man dealing with lifes trials and tribulations. It allows for the Holy Spirit to visit in the front yard cutting the weeds. i had an experience of refreshing in th epresence of thi ssweet sound. God moved me in my yard. He restored my strength to make it through the week and more. Thank you for lettin gthe Holy Spirit work in you.


    Willie J. Jones III, California

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Written by : Bob Marovich

Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.