“Thank You”
Sonny Brown
Independent (release date: January 3, 2022)
By Robert M. Marovich
If Sonny Brown’s “Thank You” has a traditional gospel quartet vibe, it’s because Brown has spent part of his career in the quartet field, notably with the Fantastic Violinaires and the Swanee Quintet.
In exhalations of gutsy singing, shouting, and at least one good ol’ gospel chuckle, Brown offers effusive praise to God one moment and the next instructs listeners who have faced trials to raise their voices in gratitude. “But didn’t my God step in,” Brown asks, “and didn’t he make a way?” He is supported by a male quartet and a rhythm section led by funky slap bass and an inspired drummer.
The South Carolinian Sonny Brown was recently part of Malaco’s Quartet is in my DNA release. After hearing “Thank You,” I’m certain quartet is in Brown’s DNA.
Written by : Bob Marovich
Bob Marovich is a gospel music historian, author, and radio host. Founder of Journal of Gospel Music blog (formally The Black Gospel Blog) and producer of the Gospel Memories Radio Show.