apollo theater

JGM Pick of the Week: November 27, 2017

2017-11-28T03:19:27-06:00November 28th, 2017|

“I Am Triumphant” Michelle Brooks-Thompson (2017) www.michellebrooksthompsonmusic.com By Bob Marovich On her new single, “I Am Triumphant,” gospel songstress Michelle Brooks-Thompson and her background singers console those who feel defeated by letting them know they are already winners.  Their victory is already in the bag, through Christ Jesus. After the collective establishes the [...]

“Live the Life You Dance About:” Vanessa Odom on the Praise Dance Phenomenon

2016-08-07T20:33:31-05:00August 7th, 2016|

St. Luke Gospel Expressions By Bob Marovich Once upon a time, there was an artistic expression of worship, inaugurated and performed by youth, that wasn’t accepted by all members of the church. I’m not talking about gospel music, or Christian hip hop. Vanessa Odom I’m talking [...]

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