Calvin Bridges

“Jesus Is Lord” – Calvin Bridges

2017-08-25T02:01:33-05:00August 25th, 2017|

“Jesus is Lord” Calvin Bridges From the PNEUMA/Spirit Recordings, Inc. EP Jesus is Lord (release date: July 18, 2017) By Bob Marovich Back in February of this year, Greater Harvest M. B. Church on Chicago’s South Side was the live recording headquarters for the award-winning gospel singer-songwriter Calvin Bridges [...]

Stay Connected – The Choirs of Trinity United Church of Christ

2017-02-23T16:22:45-06:00February 23rd, 2017|

The Choirs of Trinity United Church of Christ Stay Connected Unashamed Media Group (release date: February 28, 2017) Available on, itunes, other digital outlets. The hard copy with the 36 page color booklet will be available at the church by March 3, 2017, through its bookstore and website. By [...]

Christmas 2014 Special

2014-12-21T19:51:24-06:00December 21st, 2014|

Enjoy this special episode of the JGM Music Hour - all Christmas songs! Click on the image above to begin the audio stream. 2014 Christmas Special - Playlist: It's Christmas time - Smokey Robinson & the Miracles feat. Kevin Ross Christ is born - Maurice Griffin Tis the season of [...]

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