christian tabernacle church

JGM Pick of the Week – September 5, 2022

2022-09-06T01:29:54-05:00September 6th, 2022|

“Wait On Jesus” Christian Tabernacle Concert Choir with Pastor DeAndre Patterson (release date: August 16, 2022) By Robert M. Marovich Renowned during the 1960s – 1990s, the Christian Tabernacle Concert Choir of Chicago has returned after a twenty-year recording hiatus with “Wait On Jesus.” It has that boisterous Chicago [...]

“I’m Good” – Ryan Rutley feat. Erica Lancaster and Jason Rutley

2016-08-06T03:36:31-05:00August 6th, 2016|

“I’m Good” Ryan Rutley feat. Erica Lancaster and Jason Rutley Psalms Group Studios (released April 8, 2016) When asked how they are doing, Ryan Rutley, Erica Lancaster, and Jason Rutley update the sentiment of the late Reverend Paul Jones’ “I Won’t Complain” with a simple “I’m Good.” Of course, [...]

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