
Elohin – El3vate

2023-09-14T21:25:15-05:00September 14th, 2023|

Elohin El3vate CF Entertainment (release date: September 12, 2023) By Robert M. Marovich “I hope you all ready for this one.” That’s how Elohin (pronounced EL-oh-in) introduces his album, El3vate. And it’s no idle threat, because the Detroit-based Christian rapper (aka Lon Harris) has a great deal to say. [...]

“Too Hot to Handel” Indescribable, Says Pianist Alvin Waddles: “You Have to Experience It”

2022-12-13T19:15:52-06:00December 2nd, 2022|

Nineteen years ago, Suzanne Mallare Acton, music director and conductor of Too Hot to Handel: The Gospel Messiah, was in a real jam. Her pianist, Detroit jazz legend Harold McKinney, pulled out of the jazz-gospel interpretation of George Frideric Handel’s Messiah just days before opening night. Needing a musician who could read a score and improvise, she picked up the phone and called the one pianist she knew could fill both bills: Alvin Waddles.

“Brought Me Out” – Kymon Smith & God Sons and Daughter

2022-09-18T01:04:02-05:00September 18th, 2022|

“Brought Me Out” Kymon Smith & God Sons and Daughter Independent (release date: August 6, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich “Brought Me Out” is a family affair. The Detroit-based independent gospel group Kymon Smith & God Sons and Daughter brings a contemporary flair and a touch of modern quartet to [...]

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