JGM Pick of the Week: February 18, 2025
When Jesus comes knocking on your door, for your sake, “let him in,” sing the Flint Cavaliers.
When Jesus comes knocking on your door, for your sake, “let him in,” sing the Flint Cavaliers.
“My Life” The Flint Cavaliers feat. Minister Tim White and Minister Darnell Williams Independent (release date: January 1, 2024)
This episode includes music reviewed on the Journal of Gospel Music between mid-December 2023 and late January 2024.
Minister C.L. Johnson Favor Doowgam Records (2011) http://wreg.weebly.com/index.html By Bob Marovich Given Minister Craig L. Johnson’s career as a member of several gospel quartets, most notably the Pilgrim Wonders of Toledo, the Revelations of Cincinnati and, most recently, his reformation of the Flint Cavaliers, it’s not surprising his solo album, [...]