
Todd Dulaney – Your Great Name

2018-02-17T02:50:38-06:00February 17th, 2018|

Todd Dulaney Your Great Name Entertainment One Music (release date: January 19, 2018) By Bob Marovich Todd Dulaney was nervous the evening of his live recording at Calvary Church of Naperville, Illinois, that produced Your Great Name. He had been struggling with an illness that was threatening his voice. He kept [...]

JGM Pick of the Week: February 5, 2018

2018-02-09T19:18:40-06:00February 6th, 2018|

“He Knows My Name (The Worship Experience)” William H. Rainer Jr. Overboard Records (2018) By Bob Marovich On “He Knows My Name,” husky-voiced William H. Rainer Jr. expresses delight that the Savior knows his name and has brought him through “so many things” even when he has gone astray. The track [...]

Hostyle Gospel – Hostyle Takeover

2016-11-30T00:31:24-06:00November 30th, 2016|

Hostyle Gospel Hostyle Takeover (release date: October 14, 2016) By Bob Marovich Hostyle Gospel, the Christian hip hop trio from Champaign, Illinois, is back with its fourth release, Hostyle Takeover. This fourteen-cut album finds the collective persistent in its quest to blot out evil, with the “takeover” being a [...]

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