
Lawrence Hancock – Who I Am

2020-07-11T02:18:41-05:00July 11th, 2020|

Lawrence Hancock Who I Am Bishop Lawrence Hancock (release date: July 24, 2020) By Bob Marovich Amid a kaleidoscope of electronic beats and mostly introspective melodies, Christian hip hop artist Bishop Lawrence Hancock tells you who He is, and who you should be—a Child of God. That’s what you discover [...]

“Revelation” – Keith Reed Jr.

2019-10-12T03:10:53-05:00October 12th, 2019|

“Revelation” Keith Reed Jr. (release date: August 28, 2019) www.newsoundmusicgroup.org By Bob Marovich Supported by his group, the New Sound of Worship, Keith Reed Jr. asks God in “Revelation” to reveal His life-giving light during an especially dark moment. But despite the stressful circumstances that inspired the song, including Reed [...]

Harlem Gospel Travelers – He’s On Time

2019-10-11T01:39:40-05:00October 11th, 2019|

Harlem Gospel Travelers He’s On Time Colemine Records (release date: October 11, 2019) www.coleminerecords.com By Bob Marovich If He’s On Time included audible pops and scratches, one would think the Harlem Gospel Travelers' debut album was a reissue of a forty-five-year-old vinyl LP discovered while crate digging. Even its Harvey [...]

Rezurected – The Prodigal Son

2019-04-13T03:09:07-05:00April 13th, 2019|

Rezurected The Prodigal Son Dubbstarr LLC (release date: March 19, 2019) www.rezurected.org By Bob Marovich The Prodigal Son is an appropriately titled album for Rezurected. It depicts, in nine bite-sized tracks, his personal story from the consequences of an early life of bad decisions to salvation and victory. The Christian [...]

Prof. Harold Boggs (and Lula Reed): Lord Give Me Strength

2018-09-25T01:14:53-05:00September 25th, 2018|

Prof. Harold Boggs (and Lula Reed) Lord Give Me Strength: Early Recordings 1952-1964 Gospel Friend Records (release date: September 21, 2018) www.gospelfriend.com By Bob Marovich Perhaps one reason Professor Harold Boggs is not as well remembered, or as appreciated, as his golden era contemporaries is his penchant for copying their sound. [...]

Keith Reed Jr. & New Sound of Worship – True Worship

2018-03-04T00:25:56-06:00March 4th, 2018|

Keith Reed Jr. & New Sound of Worship True Worship New Sound Music Group (release date: February 25, 2018) www.newsoundofworship.com By Bob Marovich Last fall, JGM reviewed Bless the Lord, an EP from Keith Reed Jr. & New Sound of Worship. It heralded the Ohio-based Rhythm & Praise ensemble’s soon-to-be-released full [...]

The Gospelaires of Dayton, Ohio: Moving Up – The Early Years 1956-1965

2017-11-24T02:59:51-06:00November 24th, 2017|

The Gospelaires of Dayton, Ohio Moving Up – The Early Years 1956-1965 Gospel Friend (release date: November 17, 2017) www.gospelfriend.com By Bob Marovich The Gospelaires of Dayton, Ohio, were one of the hardest singing quartets on the gospel highway during the genre’s storied golden era. The quartet was part of [...]

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