roberta martin singers

Richard Smallwood with Vision – Anthology Live

2015-06-30T15:39:11-05:00June 30th, 2015|

Richard Smallwood with Vision Anthology Live RCA Inspiration (release date: June 29, 2015) By Bob Marovich Arguably the most anticipated gospel album thus far this year is Richard Smallwood with Vision’s Anthology Live. The seminal group’s first project in four years is a double-CD live recording that offers new selections [...]

Richard Smallwood’s “Anthology Live” a Musical Autobiography

2015-06-26T01:49:17-05:00June 26th, 2015|

By Bob Marovich for the Journal of Gospel Music If Richard Smallwood had his druthers, the autobiography he is writing would have been released simultaneously with his new album, the two-CD Anthology Live. The album, recorded with his group, Vision, is essentially the "musical soundtrack" to his autobiography.  But the [...]

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