Look to the Hills – Rev. Luther Barnes & the Restoration Worship Center Choir

2020-05-28T01:11:22-05:00May 28th, 2020|

Rev. Luther Barnes & the Restoration Worship Center Choir Look to the Hills Shanachie Entertainment / SRT Entertainment (release date: May 29, 2020) By Bob Marovich Listening to the title track and lead single of Reverend Luther Barnes’ latest album, I revisited a thought I’ve had for some time: [...]

Kierra Sheard – Kierra

2020-05-09T20:39:38-05:00May 9th, 2020|

Kierra Sheard Kierra Karew Records & Entertainment / Provident Label Group / RCA Inspiration (release date: April 17, 2020) By Bob Marovich In a scene from the LIFETIME biopic The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel, Dr. Mattie Moss Clark stands before top officials of the Church of God [...]

Reba Rambo – Confessions

2020-05-01T01:36:02-05:00May 1st, 2020|

Reba Rambo Confessions Entertainment One (original release date: 1980; digital release: May 1, 2020) By Bob Marovich Originally released forty years ago, Reba Rambo’s solo album Confessions is getting a redux courtesy of Entertainment One. It's the latest Rambo album to be re-introduced since her 1977 disc, Lady, was [...]

Erica Reed – (s/t)

2020-04-08T01:10:19-05:00April 8th, 2020|

Erica Reed Erica Reed Independent (release date: January 10, 2020) By Bob Marovich On her new, self-titled album, the St. Louis-based singer-songwriter Erica Reed journeys into new production territory. For example, atmospheric electronica and 808 beats propel several selections, such as “Enough,” where Reed testifies about Jesus’s ability to [...]

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