Christian Rap/Hip Hop

This style incorporates elements of rap, hip hop, or both, with inspirational or religious themes.

“Class Clown” – Mandala

2021-12-29T02:45:44-06:00December 29th, 2021|

“Class Clown”MandalaIndependent (release date: December 17, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Born in Joliet, Illinois, Mandala is a self-proclaimed “radical” Catholic rapper who uses the fire and brimstone rhymes of Protestant holy hip-hop to wage legit war against the world’s wrongs. As a graduate of the University of Notre Dame [...]

Darius Droc Jackson – The Great Commission

2021-11-28T01:48:41-06:00November 28th, 2021|

Darius Droc Jackson The Great Commission Independent (release date: July 17, 2020) By Robert M. Marovich I've heard plenty of independently-produced holy hip hop projects that leave me feeling meh. Whether it’s the hasty production, derivative beats, or humdrum rhymes, they fall short of their promise. Not so The [...]

Shyne On Me: What a Year (EP)

2021-01-31T16:37:34-06:00January 31st, 2021|

Shyne On Me What a Year (EP) (Release Date: November 26, 2020) By Robert M. Marovich The year 2020 wasn’t over when DC-based Christian rapper Shyne On Me, like most sentient beings, was ready to stick a fork in it. Nor was the trouble the year wrought, as we [...]

Mali Music – The Book of Mali

2020-08-10T18:48:01-05:00August 10th, 2020|

Mali Music The Book of Mali RCA Inspiration (release date: August 14, 2020) By Bob Marovich The Book of Mali is aptly titled. Mali Music’s fifth album, released in a partnership between his own imprint, K Approved Enterprises, and RCA Inspiration, is a study in self-awareness. Much of the [...]

Lawrence Hancock – Who I Am

2020-07-11T02:18:41-05:00July 11th, 2020|

Lawrence Hancock Who I Am Bishop Lawrence Hancock (release date: July 24, 2020) By Bob Marovich Amid a kaleidoscope of electronic beats and mostly introspective melodies, Christian hip hop artist Bishop Lawrence Hancock tells you who He is, and who you should be—a Child of God. That’s what you discover [...]

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