Martha Munizzi – Best Days

2022-04-07T01:41:05-05:00April 7th, 2022|

Martha Munizzi Best Days Martha Munizzi Music (release date: July 29, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Martha Munizzi’s latest live album, Best Days, is a well-orchestrated worship service that focuses on the reasons to celebrate, not worry, in the midst of today’s uncertainty. The paradox of joy in the [...]

Psalmist Raine & the ReFresh Team – ReFresh Worship Live 3.3

2022-03-31T00:59:55-05:00March 31st, 2022|

Psalmist Raine & the ReFresh Team ReFresh Worship Live 3.3 ReFresh Institute (release date: March 25, 2022) By Robert M. Marovich One thing is certain about Psalmist Raine’s ReFresh Worship Live 3.3: it keeps on going and going and going. The final disc of the three-volume ReFresh Worship Live [...]

Johnny Ray Daniels – Whatever You Need

2022-03-19T19:24:37-05:00March 19th, 2022|

Johnny Ray Daniels Whatever You Need Bible & Tire (release date: May 6, 2022) By Robert M. Marovich Like the Blind Boys of Alabama’s Jimmy Carter and the Savettes’ Goldwire McLendon, Johnny Ray Daniels didn’t record his first solo album after until after his Social Security checks started arriving. [...]

DOE – Clarity

2022-02-25T02:32:49-06:00February 25th, 2022|

DOE Clarity RCA Inspiration / Life Room (release date: February 18, 2022) By Robert M. Marovich An extension of DOE’s self-titled 2001 EP, Clarity has the gentle, intimate vibe associated with the Grammy-nominated songwriter and former lead singer of forever JONES. But if the grooves are dreamy and some [...]

Javon Jackson – The Gospel According to Nikki Giovanni

2022-02-03T02:31:36-06:00February 3rd, 2022|

Javon Jackson The Gospel According to Nikki Giovanni Solid Jackson (release date: February 18, 2022) By Robert M. Marovich The Gospel According to Nikki Giovanni is a Black History Month treat from a jazz combo led by Javon Jackson, saxophonist and former member of Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers, [...]

Darius Droc Jackson – The Great Commission

2021-11-28T01:48:41-06:00November 28th, 2021|

Darius Droc Jackson The Great Commission Independent (release date: July 17, 2020) By Robert M. Marovich I've heard plenty of independently-produced holy hip hop projects that leave me feeling meh. Whether it’s the hasty production, derivative beats, or humdrum rhymes, they fall short of their promise. Not so The [...]

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