north carolina

Gene Hoskins – Homecoming (Deluxe Edition)

2021-11-22T03:20:26-06:00November 22nd, 2021|

Download Gene HoskinsHomecoming (Deluxe Edition)Shanachie Entertainment (release date: October 29, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Gene Hoskins, a mental health therapist and gospel singer from North Carolina, combines his passions to provide insight and encouragement on Homecoming (Deluxe Edition). Eliding seamlessly, the first two selections, “Prodigal P.O.V.” and the title [...]

Various Artists – Sacred Soul of North Carolina

2021-10-20T17:46:58-05:00October 20th, 2021|

Various ArtistsSacred Soul of North CarolinaMusic Maker Foundation / Bible & Tire (release date: October 15, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Just before the pandemic shut down the world, Alice Vines of the Glorifying Vines Sisters of Farmville, North Carolina (crate diggers will know their singles on Pinewood and Sound [...]

Johnny Ruffin Jr. – I’m Gonna Praise the Lord

2021-10-07T01:14:52-05:00October 7th, 2021|

Johnny Ruffin Jr. I’m Gonna Praise the Lord JBP Music (release date: June 19, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Like Keith “Wonderboy” Johnson, Johnny Ruffin Jr. of North Carolina celebrates old-school quartet singing. That's the feeling you get from his independently-released album, I’m Gonna Praise the Lord. While most songs [...]

“America Bless God” – Bonita Burney Simmons

2021-07-05T01:12:27-05:00July 5th, 2021|

“America Bless God” Bonita Burney Simmons Independent (release date: January 7, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich In the introduction to “America Bless God,” the award-winning North Carolina gospel singer Bonita Burney Simmons offers an invitation to worship by quoting the patriotic anthem written by Irving Berlin in 1938, but [...]

“The Sound of Revival” – Edwrin Sutton

2021-06-28T01:53:21-05:00June 28th, 2021|

“The Sound of Revival” Edwrin Sutton From the Black Smoke Music Worldwide CD The Revival (release date: May 8, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Gospel singer-songwriter Edwrin Sutton sets the nineteenth-century Presbyterian hymn “Revive Us Again” to a contemporary rhythmic call-and-response motive between him and his troupe of background singers. [...]

JGM Pick of the Week: December 21, 2020

2020-12-22T02:38:20-06:00December 22nd, 2020|

“Silent Night”HamiltonesFrom the Young Vintage CDA Hamiltone Christmas (release date: November 30, 2017) By Robert M. Marovich Although labeled a soul and R&B group, the Hamiltones of North Carolina sound for all the world like a gospel quartet on “Silent Night.” From converting the song’s 6/8 time signature to 12/8 [...]

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