Quentin Walston – The Good Book Suite

2021-11-24T03:05:34-06:00November 24th, 2021|

Quentin Walston The Good Book Suite (release date: November 20, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Pianist-composer Quentin Walston’s The Good Book Suite is a four-part instrumental jazz piece with a spiritual foundation. A trio of piano, drums, and bass interprets Bible passages that brought Walston and his family through [...]

Gene Hoskins – Homecoming (Deluxe Edition)

2021-11-22T03:20:26-06:00November 22nd, 2021|

Download Gene HoskinsHomecoming (Deluxe Edition)Shanachie Entertainment (release date: October 29, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Gene Hoskins, a mental health therapist and gospel singer from North Carolina, combines his passions to provide insight and encouragement on Homecoming (Deluxe Edition). Eliding seamlessly, the first two selections, “Prodigal P.O.V.” and the title [...]

Gail Stewart & Prayz4 – s/t

2021-11-19T02:08:11-06:00November 19th, 2021|

Gail Stewart & Prayz4 Self-titled Independent (release date: July 12, 2017) By Robert M. Marovich What is immediately evident about the self-titled CD by the Texas-based family gospel group Gail Stewart & Prayz4 is its emphasis on modernizing traditional hymns and gospels. For example, the group gives the nineteenth-century hymn [...]

Harriet Fraser – Peace

2021-11-10T16:27:14-06:00November 10th, 2021|

Harriet Fraser Peace Independent (release date: October 8, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich On her brief but touchingly lovely debut album Peace, soprano Harriet Frasier harmonizes with herself, two-parts unaccompanied, a touch of echo evoking the sense of being recorded in a stone-walled cathedral instead of the California studios [...]

Various Artists – Kerry Douglas Gospel Mix Christmas

2021-11-08T03:23:51-06:00November 8th, 2021|

Various Artists Kerry Douglas Gospel Mix Christmas Blacksmoke Music Worldwide (release date: November 5, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich It’s that time again—Christmas songs and albums are hitting music reviewers’ inboxes. Among the earliest is a Kerry Douglas holiday celebration, an extension of his popular and longstanding Gospel Mix franchise [...]

God’s Children – It’s So Amazing

2021-10-30T21:56:11-05:00October 30th, 2021|

God’s Children It’s So Amazing Independent (2018) By Robert M. Marovich On It’s So Amazing, the Memphis, Tennessee-based Shirika “Re Re” Flowers and God’s Children (and also Re Re’s eldest children), run through a battery of gospel quartet-style songs, rendered with a churchy vibe and with frequent vamps for [...]

Various Artists – Sacred Soul of North Carolina

2021-10-20T17:46:58-05:00October 20th, 2021|

Various ArtistsSacred Soul of North CarolinaMusic Maker Foundation / Bible & Tire (release date: October 15, 2021) By Robert M. Marovich Just before the pandemic shut down the world, Alice Vines of the Glorifying Vines Sisters of Farmville, North Carolina (crate diggers will know their singles on Pinewood and Sound [...]

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