Tyscot Records

“Power in the Blood” – Dr. Prince Yelder & the Disciples for Christ

2022-05-28T20:49:12-05:00May 28th, 2022|

“Power in the Blood” Dr. Prince Yelder & the Disciples for Christ Tyscot Records (release date: April 1, 2022) www.tyscot.com By Robert M. Marovich With a nod to the song’s composer, Bishop Leonard Scott, Dr. Prince Yelder & the Disciples for Christ offer a resounding and high-energy version of “Power [...]

“He’ll Be There” – RiZen

2021-05-04T22:48:55-05:00May 4th, 2021|

“He’ll Be There” RiZen DAF Entertainment Group / Tyscot By Robert M. Marovich Although Adriann Lewis-Freeman has carved out a solo career, it’s been a few years since the Stellar Award-winning RiZen vocal group has come together to release a new single. The drought is over with “He’ll Be There.” [...]

“Get Ready” – Darwin Hobbs

2021-03-19T01:54:10-05:00March 19th, 2021|

“Get Ready” Darwin Hobbs FairTrade Services / Tyscot Records (release date: January 15, 2021) On “Get Ready,” singer-songwriter Darwin Hobbs quotes from 1 Corinthians 2:9 (“eye has not seen, nor ear heard”) to drum up excitement about the miracles just beyond his/your/our horizon. The new single features Hobbs’ husky voice, [...]

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