
RCA Inspiration to Release New Music from the Voices of Fire Choir

2020-11-26T16:39:34-06:00November 26th, 2020|

  RCA INSPIRATION TO RELEASE NEW MUSICFROM THE VOICES OF FIRE CHOIR, IN PARTNERSHIP WITH PHARRELL WILLIAMS’ I AM OTHER (Nashville, TN) – November 23, 2020 – RCA Inspiration, one of the premiere labels in Gospel and inspirational music, announces a record deal with Voices of Fire, to release new [...]

2nd Annual Independent Gospel Artists Alliance Awards Submissions Open

2020-01-09T16:37:49-06:00January 9th, 2020|

Washington, DC — The Independent Gospel Artists Alliance, Inc. (IGAA) has announced the 2nd Annual Independent Gospel Artists Alliance Awards celebrating independent Gospel, Christian, and Inspirational artists and their music. Artists can submit entries for award consideration starting January 1, 2020. The Independent Gospel Artists Alliance Awards recognizes the best [...]

“Jesus What a Wonderful Child” – Richard Davis

2019-12-24T02:27:00-06:00December 24th, 2019|

“Jesus What a Wonderful Child” Richard Davis From the R2D Music CD Christmas Rhapsody (release date: November 29, 2019) By Bob Marovich Richard Davis gives the Angelic Gospel Singers’ “Glory, Glory to the New Born King” a contemporary quartet-style makeover, complete with male background vocalists, a vamp, and enough [...]

Jesse Cann – A New Song

2019-11-04T02:38:42-06:00November 4th, 2019|

Jesse CannA New SongJordan Line Music (2019) By Bob Marovich At the Rhythm of Gospel Awards this summer, a distinguished-looking bearded gentleman named Jesse Cann sat down at a keyboard. In the midst of a musical program featuring thunderous choirs, ecstatic groups, and spirited singers, he offered up an unassuming [...]

Faithful Connection – Personal Experience

2019-06-08T21:59:26-05:00June 8th, 2019|

Faithful Connection Personal Experience (release date: March 22, 2019) By Bob Marovich Rhythm of Gospel Awardee Faithful Connection of Fredericksburg, Virginia, is a gospel quartet that blends elements of traditional gospel singing and lyricism with contemporary instrumentation and bass-heavy beats. They celebrate their tenth anniversary with a new EP, [...]

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