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  • Lecrae Anomaly Reach Records (2014) www.reachrecords.com By Bob Marovich Lecrae’s new CD, Anomaly, is Christian music’s most incisively honest, but at the same time most bravely hopeful, project this year. To Lecrae, being an anomaly, being an outsider, is both an advantage and disadvantage. On one hand, anomalies are outcasts who don’t fit in. At [...]

  • Evangelist Nelson Larkins & God’s Posse The Kind of God We Serve: Live in Chicago TREWWORKS Music Group/Deznell Music Group (2011) www.cdbaby.com/cd/nelsonlarkinsgodsposse By Bob Marovich It is always a pleasure to hear a live gospel quartet album that truly captures the excitement of a group having church. Such an album is The Kind of God [...]

  • Various Artists The Best of Revelation Records: 1959-1962 Narro Way Records (released September 16, 2014) www.cityhallrecords.com www.gospelfriend.com By Bob Marovich Mention the name Bobby Robinson to popular music historians, and you will hear how he founded a number of New York-based record labels, including Whirling Disc, Fury, Enjoy, and Red Robin, and released classic hits [...]

  • Sallie and Cora Martin Just A Little Talk with Jesus Gospel Friend (release date: September 16, 2014) www.cityhallrecords.com By Bob Marovich Sallie Martin, the Mother of Gospel Music, paved the way for those who paved the way. A no-nonsense singer, group leader, choir director, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Martin helped Thomas A. Dorsey sell his catalog [...]

  • Various Artists The Soul of Designer Records Big Legal Mess (2014) www.biglegalmessrecords.com By Bob Marovich In the days before YouTube and other social media outlets, before mp3s and CDs and music maker software for home computers, gospel artists looking for greater promotion but without a major label deal sought out the expertise of bootstrap entrepreneurs [...]


  • “He is the King” M. Cornelius Wyche & Octave Praise From the Enon Music Group album The Script (release date: January 14, 2022) www.enonmusic.com By Robert M. Marovich On their latest single, “He is the King,” M. Cornelius Wyche & Octave Praise worship the Lord, who is the antidote for the depression and despondency brought [...]

  • “Nothing Else Matters (Instead of Complaining, Praise Him)” Brent Jones JDI Records By Robert M. Marovich Brent Jones’ latest single, “Nothing Else Matters,” is a four-minute festival of praise set to a bouncy mid-tempo arrangement featuring Jones and the full-throated choir in call-and-response. “I don’t care who’s looking at me,” Jones declares, preparing to get [...]

  • “Majestic One” Katy Weirich Independent (release date: January 14, 2022) https://katyweirich.com/ By Robert M. Marovich A life filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows, depression and happiness informs the songs and singing of Katy Weirich. A young vocalist and worship leader who evokes Lauren Daigle and Hillsong’s Brooke Fraser, Weirich offers the praise power [...]

  • “Never Give Up” Del Harrison Independent (release date: March 1, 2022) www.iamdelharrison.com By Robert M. Marovich In achingly soulful tones, Del Harrison wants you to never forget that sunshine comes after the rain. Even if your prayers don’t seem to be getting through, “the Holy Spirit heard you / It’s gonna be alright.” Yes, this [...]

  • “I Can’t Forget” David Daughtry Independent (single release date: February 18, 2022) www.daviddaughtrymusic.com By Robert M. Marovich Vocalist David Daughtry lets his COGIC roots show on “I Can’t Forget,” an up-tempo, handclapping gush of gratitude to God that incorporates the congregational favorite, “Oh What He’s Done For Me” and snippets of lyrics from “Jesus I [...]


A City Called Heaven

By Robert Marovich

In A City Called Heaven, gospel announcer and music historian Robert Marovich shines a light on the humble origins of a majestic genre and its indispensable bond to the city where it found its voice: Chicago.

A City Called Heaven

By Robert Marovich

In A City Called Heaven, gospel announcer and music historian Robert Marovich shines a light on the humble origins of a majestic genre and its indispensable bond to the city where it found its voice: Chicago.


  • Last week, Deitrick Haddon spoke with Bob Marovich of the Journal of Gospel Music about his new album, Masterpiece, which Entertainment One will release this Friday, November 6. JGM: Masterpiece, the album, is being described as sort of a musical maturation on your part. Is that a fair assumption? DH: Absolutely. It definitely reflects where [...]

    Published On: November 3rd, 2015Categories: Gospel Music, Interviews, Urban AC Gospel
  • Photo Credit: Getty Images By Bob Marovich When tragedy struck Regina Love, it hit hard. She lost her son, father, and mother back to back. In 2014, a nephew committed suicide. That’s when a “still, small voice” within her—“I knew it was God,” she told the Journal of Gospel Music—persuaded her to renew [...]

    Published On: November 2nd, 2015Categories: Interviews
  • By Bob Marovich Not that she would have called it her bucket list, but a young Janice Gaines had three childhood aspirations. “As a little kid,” she told the Journal of Gospel Music, I would play like was a teacher, and I would play like I was a singer, and I would play like I [...]

    Published On: October 9th, 2015Categories: Contemporary Gospel, Gospel Music, Interviews


  • From a press release: The McCrary Sisters share the following on the loss of their sister, Deborah McCrary, yesterday, June 1, 2022: “It is with deep sorrow that we share the news of the passing of our beloved sister Deborah." Deborah Person McCrary, born June 17, 1954 (age 67), was a member of the legendary [...]

    Published On: June 2nd, 2022
  • By Robert M. Marovich Lady Sharon Poston shared the sad news that her husband, Deacon Dr. Timothy D. Poston Sr., passed away on March 15, 2022. The California organist's Churchin' on the Hammond B3 Organ was reviewed by the Journal of Gospel Music in 2018. We at JGM express our condolences to the family, friends, [...]

    Published On: March 26th, 2022
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