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  • Maranda Curtis Die to Live Butterfly Works / Red Alliance Media / Fair Trade Services Release date: February 18, 2022 www.iammaranda.com By Robert M. Marovich Although his declaration doesn’t appear until several minutes into the album, Bishop John Francis essentially states the theme of Maranda Curtis’s new album Die to Live. After quoting John 12:24, [...]

  • Javon Jackson The Gospel According to Nikki Giovanni Solid Jackson (release date: February 18, 2022) https://www.javonjackson.com https://nikki-giovanni.com By Robert M. Marovich The Gospel According to Nikki Giovanni is a Black History Month treat from a jazz combo led by Javon Jackson, saxophonist and former member of Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers, and the iconic poet and [...]

  • Various ArtistsSacred Soul of North CarolinaMusic Maker Foundation / Bible & Tire (release date: October 15, 2021)https://biglegalmessrecords.com/collections/bible-tire By Robert M. Marovich Just before the pandemic shut down the world, Alice Vines of the Glorifying Vines Sisters of Farmville, North Carolina (crate diggers will know their singles on Pinewood and Sound Hut), gathered ten other local [...]

  • Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers Somewhere Beyond the Blue Billy Blue Records (release date: May 7, 2021) www.radioramblers.com By Robert M. Marovich On the eleven-track Somewhere Beyond the Blue, Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers offer southern gospel singing bluegrass style in the tradition of the Louvin Brothers, Carl Story, and the Lewis Family. [...]

  • Pastor David Wright & NY Fellowship Mass Choir Miracles Godfather Records (release date: July 15, 2021) www.gracetabernacle.info By Robert M. Marovich For fans of contemporary gospel choirs, and especially for those who wonder where the choir went (it hasn’t gone anywhere) Pastor David Wright & NY Fellowship Mass Choir’s new release, Miracles, will delight. Although [...]


  • JDimock Medicine single cover

    “Medicine” JDimock Independent (release date: May 8, 2024)

  • “Jesus Lift Me Up” Jim Vierra feat. Ron Poindexter Fifty Something Records (release date: May 6, 2024) By Robert M. Marovich Grammy-nominated vocalist Ron Poindexter’s melodious lead on “Jesus Lift Me Up” fills the song with the vibrant spirit of Hawkins Family-inspired contemporary gospel. The musicians and background vocalists offer strong assistance, and the [...]

  • Henry Thomas Warrell All Eyes on King Jesus cover

    he incessant and magisterial beat of the CCM-style hymn “All Eyes on King Jesus” by Harry Warrell commands the listener’s attention like a military tattoo.

  • Agree cover James Johnson

    There’s a lot to like about “Agree,” the new single by James Johnson Jr.

  • Eric Lee Brumley Electric Chair album cover

    “Share the Load” Eric Lee Brumley From the Old Bear Records album Electric Chair (single release date: March 1, 2024)


Conversations with the Gospel Legends – Rev. Dr. Stanley Keeble

February 3rd, 2017|

On this episode of "Conversations with the Gospel Legends," the Reverend Dr. Stanley Keeble talks about his days as an accompanist, as part of the Fellowship M.B. Church music ministry, his Voices of Triumph group, his mentor Willie Webb, and the Chicago gospel scene of the 1950s and 1960s. Conversations [...]

A City Called Heaven

By Robert Marovich

In A City Called Heaven, gospel announcer and music historian Robert Marovich shines a light on the humble origins of a majestic genre and its indispensable bond to the city where it found its voice: Chicago.

A City Called Heaven

By Robert Marovich

In A City Called Heaven, gospel announcer and music historian Robert Marovich shines a light on the humble origins of a majestic genre and its indispensable bond to the city where it found its voice: Chicago.


  • By Bob Marovich From time to time, such as on major holidays or when the young people’s choir was singing, young Gloria Fowles and her family accompanied their grandmother to Abyssinian Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey. At Abyssinian, they would listen to sermons from its pastor, the Reverend Raphus P. Means, and gospel music [...]

    Published On: December 20th, 2019Categories: Contemporary Gospel, Gospel Music, Interviews
  • By Bob Marovich The sacred-secular divide in music is a uniquely modern conception, and it misses the point. In West Africa, where most enslaved Africans came from, all music was sacred and all music was secular. There was no distinction…until the music came to America during the African Diaspora and distinctions based on intent were [...]

    Published On: October 1st, 2019Categories: Christian Rap/Hip Hop, Gospel Music, Interviews
  • By Bob Marovich Last December, gospel artist Gene Moore was on top of the world. He had recently gotten married to the love of his life, and things were looking up. He had released his debut album, The Future, on Motown Gospel in 2016. Then the trials started. “First, my wife’s car broke down and [...]

    Published On: September 19th, 2019Categories: Interviews


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